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Improving feed efficiency is a powerful tool to improve the sustainability of ruminants. A good way to achieve this goal is to increase the fiber digestibility of local forages. The supplement of yeast probiotics from Phileo helped farmers achieve this goal. New data on local pastures in Vietnam
Medical Device Business Magazine-Medical Device News and Articles | Massive Equipment
Author: Thaddeus Williams, DVM, Director of In vivo Biocompatibility Research, Toxikon Corporation
When developing a preclinical testing plan for medical devices, choosing the correct extraction solv
Through concentrated solar energy to produce longer running time and steam, combined with high-temperature electrolysis, low-cost hydrogen production is realized
Heliogen, Inc. and Bloom Energy Corporation (NYSE: BE) today announced the production of green hydrogen by integrating th
Pharmaceutical Online's product showcase-your trusted resource, can provide special equipment and services specific to critical environments.
The HF5 series is compatible with HygroClip2 probes with integrated AirChip3000 technology and provides unprecedented high precision. Combining advan
Thermolab Scientific Chambers is specifically designed to meet the high demands of stability research and climate testing. Equipped with a stability chamber specially developed to meet FDA/ICH stability requirements, which can achieve temperature and humidity control and uniformity.
What is biological oxygen demand?
Biochemical oxygen demand is the amount of oxygen consumed by bacteria and other microorganisms when they decompose organic matter under aerobic conditions.
Common lakes or streams contain small amounts of oxygen in the form of dissolved oxygen
Mesa, Arizona - Several school districts throughout Silicon Valley have warned students against the popular TikTok challenge, encouraging children to steal things from school.
Known as the "cunning lick" challenge, followers on TikTok were told to record that they stole valuables from
We know that humans are warming the planet, thanks to a decades-old field called event attribution-but explaining all its warnings to reporters, politicians and the public has never been so simple. So some scientists are taking shortcuts to defend the greater truth: the crisis is here, now
This is not a mirage. Denver's expansion to the Wyoming state boundary continues unabated. This is a very obvious metaphor for how innovation and technology have fundamentally reshaped Colorado's economy in the past 10 years.
Ten years ago, Colorado's economy was mainly based on oil and min